The Educator

You are an EDUCATOR. As the name suggests, you are the counselors of the Dharma Type family. People gravitate to you for your wisdom, but you do not  always follow your own advice. Unlike LABORERS who are eminently practical, you are the most idea-oriented type, preferring to work in concepts and philosophies rather than day to day practicalities. You are the Renaissance man or woman of the Dharma Type family, possessing a natural love of knowledge and curiosity about the world . Whether it is reading National Geographic, watching the History Channel, or getting advanced university degrees, you are always in pursuit of enlightenment and self-betterment. This tendency is not great for specialization, however, and Educators may become conversant in many subjects, but masters of none.


Educators have the most delicate constitution of the types, and must take care to not overexert themselves. They may also be clumsy or physically more awkward than the other types. This does not mean that they do not enjoy sports and physical activity– in fact it is very good for them– but that they typically make better coaches than players, and excel at mental, rather than physical pursuits.

As an Educator you have probably experienced the phenomenon of ‘instant karma’ That is, when you do something wrong or improper, the consequences usually come back quickly, and may haunt you forever!  This is because, as a paragon of virtue and model for the other types, you are supposed to be beyond the pettiness of the world. Like the Air Element that rules your type, Educators are supposed to soar above the mundane difficulties of everyday life, though they often get entangled by their own powerful desires.

Though the image of virtue and propriety, Educators are also lusty creatures, and must find an acceptable way to express their passions, rather than repress them, for this can lead to scandal when they are eventually exposed. Every day when we turn on the news, we find instances of impropriety in our priests and senators alike. Because people look up to Educators as a model of purity, they must try to avoid letting people down with sub-par behavior.

Famous Educators include: Joan Allen, Woody Allen, Michael Bolton, Julia Child, Mohandas Gandhi, Billy Graham, Bob Dylan, George Lucas, Marilyn Manson, Alanis Morrisette, Moses, Barack Obama, Carl Sagan, Martin Sheen, Oliver Stone, and Tiger Woods.  


But this is just the tip of the iceberg…  for more information about your type, click to purchase the e-book, or learn how to live your purpose with the Decoding Your Dharma Online Course. If you want more clarity about your Dharma Type and have a personal reading with Simon or one of his Dharma Type Practitioners, book your one-on-one session here!