“As the night without a light, as the sky without the sun, so is a king without an astrologer; he stumbles like a blind man on the road.”

Imagine being able to affect the course of an event simply by changing it’s start time. The Sanskrit word Muhurta means ‘moment’- it’s also the name of a branch of Vedic Astrology that specializes in scheduling marriages, competitions or major business launches for the perfect moment of conception. Like any living being, an event has a birth, life span, and an end. Just as your horoscope can describe the salient themes in your life (and whether you will triumph or struggle in them), so the chart of an event can help us understand its overall tenor and final outcome.

It may be hard to believe that the time something takes place could have an effect one way or another on how that event unfolds, but this thousands-year-old tradition begs to differ, as do the starcasters of today who use Astrology’s timing principles to correlate the outcomes of stock markets, political elections and even sporting events.

Consider as an example Facebook’s initial public offering. Touted as “the most anticipated IPO in history”, this stock tanked soon after opening, and stayed at about half its initial value for well over a year. Eventually, however, due to the strength of its fundamentals, the company rose again, and is currently riding well above its initial price.

This is an example of a strong company (or ‘team’ or ‘marriage’) that ran into horrible timing- the stock launched two days before a major solar eclipse, an event that had every astrologer, western and Vedic, shaking their heads in disbelief. Like the blind, stumbling king in the quote above, Zuckerberg lacked the insight and good counsel to wait a week or more; had he done so, he and his investors may have avoided the billions of dollars in losses, perhaps even riding the stock up from the moment of its inception. Couples who wish to avoid a similar trap are well-advised to initiate their nuptials on an auspicious day that promotes rather than impedes their mutual happiness. The same rules apply to politics and sporting competitions as well.

*Facebook, One Year Later: What Really Happened in the Biggest IPO Flop Ever – The Atlantic, May 2013

Sports & Politics: Astrology and the Elite

“Virtually every major move and decision the Reagans made during my time as White House Chief of Staff was cleared in advance with a woman in San Francisco who drew up horoscopes to make certain that the planets were in a favorable alignment for the enterprise.”

– Donald Regan, White House Chief of Staff, from his book For the Record: From Wall Street to Washington

Many of the greatest influencers of history have availed themselves of astrology’s tools to make better decisions, such as American presidents Ronald Reagan, Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Coolidge and others. Ben Franklin was an astrologer, and Carl Jung and Albert Einstein had kind words to say about the “science” (Einstein’s word) that contains “all the knowledge of antiquity” (Jung).

Vedic Astrology has a rich history of predicting competitive outcomes, whether contested on a battlefield, a trading room floor or a football pitch, as well as timing such events to advantage one party (and stifle another). Imagine if your fund or team manager had a genie in their ear telling them when to schedule matches and when to avoid playing. The kings and high-rollers of yesteryear and today rely on starcasters for precisely this kind of advice, though the average person may not know or have access to it. It may also be the reason why the wealthiest funds profited from Facebook’s flop by betting against it; the billions that were lost by those not in the know went into the pockets of those who knew. It’s no accident that JP Morgan was quoted saying, “Millionaires don’t use astrology- billionaires do.” This reflects the esteem many of the elite players in the world of finance hold for the predictive sciences, but also the secrecy that surrounds them. Accurate predictions are not just a science, but an art as well, and many in the financial industry who use astrology prefer not to let on the extent to which they rely on it

“It’s common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology.”
– Donald Regan, former White House Chief of Staff

Minutes Make a Diffrence!

In Facebook’s case, a few days were needed, but often even a minute or two can make the difference between victory and defeat. It happens in the charts of sporting and political events alike- starting a few minutes early or late can alter the course of history. Ronald Reagan reportedly postponed his inauguration as governor by nine minutes, and scheduled the U.S.- Soviet treaty eliminating medium-range nuclear missles at at the precise time advised by his astrologer. Astrologers don’t even need to know about the team or event taking place to give good advice- – all they require is is the chart. The chart is the mirror upon which the stars encode our destiny.

Jyotisha shows us reality clearly, beyond the opinions or cloudy doubt of human conjecture. A chart is a precise picture of the moment- the totality of universal phenomena influencing a given time and space. Reading it, however, requires skill and discipline, a mind untainted by bias or opinion. The chart never lies, but people do, and predicting with 100% accuracy is difficult. It is said that long ago astrologers became so good that they could cast the charts of people not yet born, and record their lives before they were lived. They became haughty, full of themselves, and as a result were cursed by the gods to only ever be 70% right.

“Jyotisha shows us reality clearly, beyond the opinions or cloudy doubt of human conjecture”

Perhaps this story reflects why today astrology is held in such low esteem by the lay public and the scientific community. This, despite the fact that leaders in business, finance and politics regularly consult astrologers, albeit secretly. Not helping the equation is that astrologers themselves are also to blame: many elders don’t share their secrets, leaving the younger generation to fend for itself. And when neophyte astrologers slip up, as they inevitably must, skeptics point their fingers and say, “See, it doesn’t work!”

One teacher famously said, ‘never trust an astrologer under 40!’ It takes years to gain the requisite wisdom and life experience necessary to interpret a chart without bias or conjecture, as well as to research, experiment, and gather the skills necessary for accurate interpretion. Astrology is a varied and vast art and science, and as such, every starcaster has their own unique signature and area of expertise. Some focus on helping clients diagnose medical problems and recommend treatments. Others prefer to offer career or life counsel, while still others specialize in betting on the stock market. Whatever the specialty, every person can be benefitted by consulting a well-proven starcaster, especially those millionaires who want to become billionaires.

Hippocrates: “A physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.”

President Theodore Roosevelt: “I always keep my weather eye on the opposition of my seventh house moon to my first house Mars.”

Ben Franklin: “Oh the wonderful knowledge to be found in the stars. Even the smallest things are written there… if you had but skill to read.”

Mark Twain: “I was born with Halley’s Comet and I expect to die upon its return.” He did.

Albert Einstein: “Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it.”

St. Thomas Aquinas: “The celestial bodies are the cause of all that takes place in the sublunar world.”

Dr. Carl Jung: “Astrology is assured recognition from psychology without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the knowledge of antiquity. The fact that it is possible to construct, in adequate fashion, a person’s character from the data of his nativity, shows the validity of astrology.”

Johannes Kepler: “An unfailing experience of mundane events in harmony with the changes occurring in the heavens, has instructed and compelled my unwilling belief.”

Dante: “(Astrology is) the noblest of sciences”.

J.P. Morgan: “Millionaires don’t use astrology; billionaires do.”